Natsuki Ishigami
May 18 (Thu)
7:30am call time for briefing @ Duyan ng Magiting
(29A Magiting St., Teacher’s Village East, Diliman, QC)
9am-12pm performance in Payatas.
Give Me Chocolate! (GMC) is a site-specific / community-specific art-project by Natsuki Ishigami, a Japanese playwright. In this project, performers are not professional actors but the ordinary people. The performers act their own lives and the “play” happens outside the theater, especially the performers’ daily-life spaces when the participants (audience) visit them. Therefore, this project is an experiment to change usual landscapes of the town into imagined “theater”. In Karnabal 2016, Natsuki presented the “SOMATO project”, and some women from Payatas joined it with a support by NGO “Salt Payatas”. They run a library for kids and found out that kids have a problem on learning English. This 2017, Natsuki and the women of Salt Payatas work on this project together also as an English-learning program.